CityServe Network Delivers Over 23 Million Pounds of Food to Families in Need
from USDA Farmers to Families Food Box Program

Photo credit: The Main Place Christian Fellowship
Over 23 million pounds of food has been distributed through churches and faith-based organizations in CityServe Network since the launch of the United States Department of Agriculture Farmers to Families Food Box Program in May 2020. Given the ongoing pandemic, CityServe Network’s expansive HUB to POD distribution model has made fresh, nutritious foods accessible to the most food insecure families residing in the “Last Mile of Need.” CityServe Network continues to play an essential role in delivering food and has reached 3.4 million people served in California, Oregon, Washington, and Nevada.
“This year has been a hard time for millions of people. Getting good foods on the dinner table is almost impossible for families in the “Last Mile of Need,” said Karl Hargestam, CityServe Network, executive director. “We are grateful for the opportunity we have within the Farmers to Families program to utilize the faith community to reach people who are hurting the most.”
Food insecurity for American households has reached its highest level with nearly 30 million Americans reporting they do not have enough to eat. CityServe Network’s proven distribution model to reach those in the “Last Mile of Need” streamlines Farmers to Families food boxes to food insecure individuals. USDA approved food supply contractors coordinate with CityServe to deliver food boxes to CityServe HUBs. A CityServe HUB is a church or faith-based nonprofit with the capacity to be the distribution center of food boxes to local churches, also known as PODs (point of distribution), in its geographical region. A POD is a local church coordinating with CityServe to receive food boxes from its assigned HUB and meet the needs of its neighborhood with compassionate giving and relationship building.
“The impact of hearing a single mom express her gratitude for the USDA food boxes because she hadn’t been able to feed her children fresh fruits or vegetables for over a week before our food box delivery was an incredible eye-opener to the real struggle in our local communities, “ said Desiree Rodriguez, Travel Well Holdings, Inc., founder and CEO. “Another woman who takes care of her elderly mother shared how they’ve been living on peanuts because they are a cheap protein. With the help of CityServe’s distribution model, this program is bringing relief and nutritional support to millions. We are honored to play a part in it.”
“We are pleased the USDA has decided to continue the program for a fourth round through December 31st. Churches on the frontlines see the thankfulness on each face of a family who receives a box. For most, there is no plan B when their food pantries are empty.” said Hargestam.