Save Ein Habesor
The Breadbasket of Israel Needs Your Help.
A race against time to harvest crops that are rotting as Hamas rockets fly overhead.
TBN’s The Watchman Shares Miraculous Survival Story
CityServe’s Rescue Operation
Ein Habesor, an Israeli “moshav,” or settlement, strategically positioned just 3 miles west of Gaza.
The settlement occupies a small area squeezed in between the Gaza strip and the Negev desert. Yet it accounts for over 60% of all produce generated in Israel.
Since the heartless terror attacks on Oct. 7 that devastated Israel, however, its fields have gone untended. Residents of the settlement evacuated and fled north. They are now living day-to-day in hotels, and unless something is done soon their harvest will go to waste.
Help the Ein Habesor community!

Families of Ein HaBesor Need Our Help
Ein Habesor’s Bravery
On Oct 7th, when Hamas attacked Ein HaBesor, Dr. Yftach Gepner had nothing but a stone to defend his community, as their security team had only 4 rifles among them. His narrow escape was reported by The Times of Israel.
After harrowing accounts of fighting Hamas, and miraculous escapes, 320 families (over 1,000 people, 400 children)) from Ein HaBesor moshav (an Israeli agricultural co-op) are displaced after the Oct 7th terrorist attack.
In 1982 families who were evacuated from the Sinai Peninsula, following the Israel-Egypt peace agreement, built what is known today as the thriving agricultural community of Ein Habesor. The founding members worked hard to cultivate the difficult land, but in doing so have created The Breadbasket of Israel, where 60% of all Israeli produce is grown.
The Besor Valley, where the moshav is located, has Biblical significance as well and is mentioned in 1 Samuel 30 when King David and his men recovered what was stolen from them by the Amalekites. Due to the miraculous favor and direction of the Lord, not one wife, child, good, or livestock was missing.
Ein HaBesor, translated Spring of The Good News, experienced miracles themselves on Oct. 7th. Their small security team happened to be reinforced and activated just recently after some theft by Bedouins in the area, unknowingly preparing them for what lay ahead. And, miraculously, despite being outnumbered, they fought off the terrorists, not one life abducted or murdered that day by Hamas.
Unfortunately, because of their proximity to Gaza, after the attack, the essential evacuation has left the farmland without workers. With fruits and vegetables rotting, and plants remaining unattended and unharvested, the economic ripple effect of losing over half of Israel’s produce will be massive. Much is needed to be done before Ein HaBesor’s residents can return home. Meanwhile, they remain scattered, mostly in Eilat, with needs to keep their lives going as evacuees. We are calling on Christians to step up and help the families of Ein HaBesor in their time of need.
From CityServe’s Israel Director Uri Steinberg, “They’re an incredible community, now living as refugees, unable to return home. What happened to them on Oct. 7th was a miracle, and they will serve as the regional revival force, helping many other communities in the region to re-birth.”

The P.E.A.C.E Plan
Inspire and equip people around the globe to pray for Israel.
Host tours to Holy Land, online training, etc.
Stand for the rights of Israel in Washington, D.C.
Equip, resource, and mobilize churches & synagogues to renew communities.
Assist under resourced communities.